Declination of order due to the unavailability of a car is UNACCEPTABLE According to the conditions spelt out in paragraph 4.3.6 of the agreement, the carrier company is responsible for the timely upd...
You can edit your prices here using any of the following methods: 1st way: If you need to edit the prices for ALL the routes of the vehicle, push the “+/ -” and set up the desired the percentage by wh...
Customers prefer to see the brand and model of car which they will be book. Therefore, we recommend to carrier companies to attach this information. If there are a large number of cars of different br...
Unfortunately, it is impossible. But there is an easier way 1. You can create a new vehicle based on an existing one with all active routes and prices, by clicking on the “Clone the vehicle with price...
Are you using a Special rate for the weekend transfer? Do you have a higher rate on weekend, holidays, High Season or plan to set up the sales prices on certain days, a period at Low season? To optim...
If you apply a surcharge for night transfers, you can set the details both at vehicle and route levels. For applying night surcharge to all the routes of the car follow the instruction: choose the nec...
filtration feature In your Personal profile you can select the necessary routes for: - updating the prices of the active routes - setting the prices for the routes without prices - returning the dele...
option “unavailability settings” In your Personal account you can set the dates or periods when the vehicle won’t be at service. It can be necessary due to: - vehicle breakdown - overloading with book...
OR take a look at our step-by-step instructions below: 1. Create your first vehicle. If your vehicle is already created, check the Paragraph 2 below - Fill-out all the required fields - Plus the N...