

  • Do not have time to update the information on the availability of the car. What to do?

    Declination of order due to the unavailability of a car is UNACCEPTABLE According to the conditions spelled out in paragraph 4.3.6 of the agreement, the carrier company is responsible for the timely u...

  • How can I edit the prices?

    You can edit your prices by link following methods: 1st way: If you need to edit the prices for ALL the routes of the vehicle, push the “+/ -” and set up the desired the percentage that you want to ch...

  • Can I add a vehicle, without exact brand and model of car?

    Customers prefer to see the brand and model of car which they will be book. Therefore, we recommend to carrier companies to attach this information. If there are a large number of cars of different br...

  • Can I copy routes one car to another car that I already have?

    Unfortunately, it is impossible. But there is an easier way 1. You can create a new vehicle based on an existing one with all active routes and prices, by clicking on the “Clone the vehicle with price...

  • 如何为不同的时期分配不同的价格?

    您是否使用周末接送服务的特殊费率? 你有更高的率在假期? 你打算在某些日子设定销售价格吗? 如果您想优化销售并增加利润,请每周为选项A设置规则: 选项B允许减少或增加特定日期的百分比。   选项A和选项B中的设置分开工作。它们的影响是不合并的。如果两者具有相同的日期,则选项B具有更高的优先级。  只需 点击 您的帐户 https://fleet.intui.travel/en/cars/ 即可设置...

  • Option for Suppliers using night tariffs

    If you apply a surcharge for night transfers, you can set the deatails both at vehicle and route levels. For applying night surcharge to all the routes of the car follow the instruction: choose the ne...

  • 如何快速编辑您的路由

    过滤功能 在个人配置文件中, 您可以选择必要的路由:- 您可以更新路线的价格 - 设置路线的价格 - 返回删除的路由。如果你想这样做,你应该:如果你想找到没有价格的路线 - 去“车辆”部分: 选择车辆并转到路由列表: 只需点击“未填充”。 现在你可以开始设定价格: 或更新 活动 路由的价格: 从篮筐返回路线。使用“篮子”选项。...

  • Vehicle unavailability settings

    option “unavailability settings” In your Personal account you can set the dates or periods when the vehicle won’t be at service. It can be necessary due to: - vehicle breakdown - overloading with book...

  • 如何快速增加你的车队到 INTUI 系统

    或者看一下我们下面的说明: 1. 创建您的第一辆车。 如果您的车辆已经创建,请检查下面的第二段 - 填写所有必填字段 - 填写新的字段 - “在你的车队中相同型号的汽车的最大数量”: 增加你的车型的车辆数量: 你为什么需要填写那个新的细节? 系统可以为七个人提供两辆车。 (从一到四名乘客) 添加价格的路线 2.添加新的路由 -填写所有有关您的车辆的新路线的必要信息 - 克隆该路由: -如果您为多个...

  • 接送服务类型 - 特性
