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Impostazioni di indisponibilità del veicolo

opzione “impostazioni di indisponibilità”

Nel vostro account personale potete impostare le dati o i periodi nei quali il veicolo non sarà in servizio.

Ciò può rendersi necessario a causa di:

- guasto dei veicolo
- sovraccarico con le prenotazioni
- stagionalità del veicolo
- servizio in diverse località

Guardate una breve istruzione video.

Oppure leggete le seguenti istruzioni:

Passate alla tabella “Veicoli”

In “Actions” click on “Unavailability settings”:

*the option is only applied to the vehicles with rated routes

After clicking this option you will see a calendar with “Single” and “Period” sections.

- in “Single” section choose the dates when the vehicle can not be provided:

- in “Period” section choose a period of time while the vehicle is unavailable:

- when the car is available for transfers again, delete the marked dates by clicking the trashcan icon opposite the irrelevant dates:

Also you can set the seasonality of the vehicle when it is served alternately in summer and winter months or busy/slow seasons (for busier season you may have the same car with higher rates).

We suggest step by step instruction for such cases:

1 choose a car for editing with summer prices
2 make winter months unavailable (or a period)
3 create a clone of the vehicle with prices
4 for the new vehicle change rates as for winter
5 for the new vehicle make summer months (or a period) unavailable

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